There are several theoretical models of disability. Each has its perspective on how to understand and address disability. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses. None of the models is comprehensive so they are neither fully correct nor incorrect. The models aren't mutually exclusive, many use a combination of these models. I collected some more models to this page, but if you want to get an even more comprehensive list, check out Models of Disability: Types and Definitions at Disabled world.
If you haven't seen the video already, check out Stella Young's talk I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much.
The affirmation model is similar to the social identity or cultural affiliation model. It encourages people with disabilities to affirm their identity, and to feel comfortable in their skin, celebrating everything about their physical identity, including their disabilities.
The sociopolitical model is more of an activist model that emphasizes the need for human rights for people with disabilities. This model is also known as the minority model of disability.
One interpretation of the religious/moral model assumes that disabilities are given to people as a punishment for actions of either the individual herself or of her parents or others who have brought this condition upon her. Or, if a disability is not seen as a punishment, it may be regarded as a condition given by God to teach a lesson or to test the person.
This model defines disability as something to be ashamed of. This model is very stigmatizing.
The expert or professional model is a variation of the medical model, in which disabilities are meant to be treated and managed by people with expertise and credentials.
The rehabilitation model is also a variation of the medical model, with an emphasis on therapy or rehabilitation for the person with a disability to improve the person's ability to function and compensate for the disability.