I would if I could a guide to web accessibility

Using VoiceOver

It took me a little while to get used to using VoiceOver. On this page are some of the commands I've used most often and some links where you can find out more about VoiceOver. There are also a lot of good instructions and info about VoiceOver on Apple's support site, I found it easiest to use the search to find content on VoiceOver.

VoiceOver on a desktop

The default VoiceOver modifier keys are control and option. You can change the keys (referred to as VO) in VoiceOver settings. To get there, go to System Preferences > Accessibility > VoiceOver. Then open the VoiceOver Utility.

In the settings, you can also make VoiceOver follow the mouse.

Useful commands

  • To start or stop Voiceover, press command + F5.
  • To open the VoiceOver help menu, press VO + H.
  • To open the VoiceOver Utility, press VO + F8.
  • Turn the screen black (screen curtain): VO + shift + F11.
  • Start reading from the current location: VO + A.
  • Stop reading: control.
  • Read a paragraph: VO + P.
  • Move element by element through the page: right or left arrow.

For more commands, check out the source material at the bottom of this page.

VoiceOver on an iPhone or an iPad

There are a few ways you can turn on/offVoiceOver on your iPhone or iPad:

  • Summon Siri and tell her “Turn on VoiceOver” or “Turn off VoiceOver.”
  • On a model with Face ID, triple-click the side button.
  • On a model with a Home button, triple-click the home button.
  • You can also toggle VoiceOver from the Control Center.
  • You can also toggle VoiceOver from the settings: Settings > Accessibility > VoiceOver


There are a lot of useful gestured listed on Apple's support website, I included a link to the page in the source materials. I added links for both iPhone and iPad. At least the basic functionalities are the same in both devices, I've yet to encounter any differences. Here are the most common gestures I usually use:

  • Tap an item: selects and speaks the touched item.
  • Double-tap an item: activate the selected item.
  • Swipe right: selects the next item.
  • Swipe left: selects the previous item.

Source material

VoiceOver for desktop

VoiceOver for iPhone and iPad: