I would if I could a guide to web accessibility

Multiple / compund disabilities

What are multiple/compound disabilities? Multiple/compound disabilities are conditions where a person has more than one disability, such as a combination of visual and hearing impairments, or physical and cognitive impairments.

What barriers might people with multiple/compound disabilities encounter on the web?

There are several potential barriers, but here are a couple of examples:

  • Inaccessible multimedia content: Websites that rely on multimedia content, such as videos or games, that require both visual and auditory information may be inaccessible for people with visual and hearing impairments.
  • Inaccessible navigation: Websites that require precise mouse movements or keystrokes may be difficult for people with physical or cognitive impairments to navigate.
  • Inaccessible visual content: Websites that rely heavily on visual content, such as images or videos, may be difficult for people with visual impairments to access if the content is not properly labeled or if the website does not provide alternative formats.
  • Inaccessible audio content: Websites that rely heavily on audio content, such as podcasts or audio-only instructions, may be inaccessible for people with hearing impairments.
  • Inaccessible language: Websites with complex or unclear language may be difficult for people with cognitive impairments to understand.

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