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Charity or tragedy model

The charity or tragedy model of disability is a framework that portrays people with disabilities as objects of pity or charity. According to this model, disability is seen as a personal tragedy that requires sympathy and assistance from non-disabled individuals.

This model emphasizes the idea that people with disabilities are dependent on others for their basic needs and are incapable of leading full and meaningful lives without the help of others. People with disabilities are often portrayed as passive recipients of charity or medical care, rather than as active agents who can make their own decisions and contribute to society.

This model has been criticized for perpetuating negative stereotypes and reinforcing the idea that people with disabilities are inferior or defective. It can also lead to a lack of agency and control for people with disabilities, as they may be excluded from decision-making processes and have limited opportunities for self-determination.

Overall, this model of disability has been widely rejected by the disability rights movement. The movement advocates for a more inclusive and empowering approach to disability that recognizes the dignity, autonomy, and potential of people with disabilities.


  • Can inspire people to contribute their time and resources to assist.
  • Can also create a sense of empathy in people without disabilities and inspire them to genuinely assist people with disabilities.


  • Can be condescending toward people with disabilities.
  • Might cause people with disabilities to resent the feeling of being an object of pity by other people.
  • Some people even find this model offensive.
  • Sets up an unequal power balance since it labels people with disabilities as "lesser" than the more "fortunate" ones.

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