I would if I could a guide to web accessibility

Who accessibility is for?

Accessibility is for everyone. It aims to make sure that products, services, environments and information are usable by all people. No matter what their abilities are. It's good to still remember that accessibility is primarily aimed towards people with disabilities.

Accessibility makes sure people with disabilities can perceive, navigate, understand and interact with digital content, products, services and environments effectively. Accessibility has a more limited focus on people with disabilities. But it also benefits people without disabilities. It is beneficial to promote the overlap but maintain the focus of accessibility on people with disabilities.

Over a billion people or 15% of the world's population experience some form of disability.

Accessibility goes with everything

Accessibility overlaps with several areas, including:

People often mention accessibility when they talk about social sustainability. 

These other areas address broad issues, like:

  • geographic location,
  • economic situation,
  • education,
  • language,
  • age or
  • gender.

Accessibility is also one part of the user experience. So good accessibility is good usability.