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International declarations and conventions on disability rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first document to establish fundamental human rights, it declares rights that everyone in the world should have. But it does not list people with disabilities among the groups protected against discrimination. After it, the United Nations passed the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons. But because it is a declaration, it can only provide a framework and recommendations. To fix the issue of not having any legally binding convention on protecting and recognizing the rights of people with disabilities, the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 2006.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. It was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world. It set out fundamental human rights to be universally protected. It outlines a set of fundamental rights and freedoms that are considered inherent to all individuals, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic. The UDHR consists of 30 articles that encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.

The declaration set the foundation of all other human rights laws. At the time of writing, 192 member states of the United Nations (UN) have agreed to abide by the declaration.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is an international human rights treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006. It aims to promote and protect the rights and dignity of individuals with disabilities.

The CRPD encourages the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities in society while aiming to eliminate prejudices and promote equal opportunities. It also stresses the importance of international cooperation to effectively implement its principles and provisions.

The Marrakesh Treaty

The Marrakesh Treaty, formally known as the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled, is an international agreement aimed at improving access to copyrighted works for individuals with visual and print disabilities. It was adopted on June 27, 2013 in Marrakesh, and entered into force on September 30, 2016.

What this means is that the treaty allows organizations to convert texts into an accessible format for people who are blind, visually impaired or print disabled without violating copyrights.

The Marrakesh treaty entered into force, with respect to the European Union, on January 1, 2019.

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